SPRING HAS SPRUNG – IT’S TIME TO GET BOAT READY! The First week of October (1-7) is National Boating Safety Week
With most of the cold weather behind us, now is the time to check your boat and take care of those maintenance jobs.
Before your first trip out this season, you should ensure your boat is in good working order including the following –
• hull and fittings for signs of wear, corrosion or damage
• engine(s) are running smoothly
• battery and electrical systems are working
• fluids such as water and fuel are clean and fresh
• bilge blowers and pumps are working
• toilets and tanks are clean
• all required safety equipment is onboard and in-date
• inflatable lifejackets require special attention to ensure there is no sign of wear or damage, and any C02 bottles and cartridges are fitted securely, and the jacket is ‘in-date’.
• rigging and/ or ropes, chains and anchors are in good working condition
• check trailer for signs of wear or damage especially wheel bearings, brakes and lights
Ensuring your boat is in good condition and equipped with all the appropriate gear before you head out!